Why Does My Cat Eat Flowers? And Why Do They Always Land on Their Feet?

Why Does My Cat Eat Flowers? And Why Do They Always Land on Their Feet?

Cats are enigmatic creatures, often leaving their owners puzzled by their peculiar behaviors. One such behavior is their tendency to nibble on flowers. This seemingly odd habit can be attributed to a variety of reasons, ranging from instinctual drives to nutritional needs. In this article, we will explore the possible explanations behind why cats eat flowers, and also touch upon the equally fascinating topic of why cats always seem to land on their feet.

Instinctual Behavior

Cats are natural hunters and explorers. In the wild, they would consume a variety of plants and grasses to aid in digestion or to induce vomiting when they have ingested something indigestible. This instinctual behavior can carry over to domestic cats, leading them to chew on household plants and flowers. The texture and taste of certain flowers might mimic the grasses they would naturally consume in the wild, making them particularly appealing.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Another possible reason for this behavior is a nutritional deficiency. Cats require a balanced diet rich in specific nutrients, and if their diet is lacking, they might seek out alternative sources. Some flowers contain trace amounts of vitamins and minerals that could be appealing to a cat with a nutritional imbalance. However, it’s important to note that not all flowers are safe for cats, and some can be toxic. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that your cat’s diet is well-rounded and to keep potentially harmful plants out of reach.

Curiosity and Playfulness

Cats are naturally curious creatures, and their playful nature often leads them to explore their environment in unique ways. Chewing on flowers might simply be a form of exploration or play. The movement of petals and leaves can be enticing, and the act of chewing can be satisfying for a cat’s senses. This behavior is often seen in younger cats or kittens who are still learning about their surroundings.

Stress and Anxiety

In some cases, a cat might eat flowers as a response to stress or anxiety. Changes in the household, such as moving to a new home, the arrival of a new pet, or even changes in routine, can cause a cat to feel anxious. Chewing on flowers might be a coping mechanism, providing a sense of comfort or distraction. If you notice that your cat is eating flowers more frequently during times of stress, it might be worth exploring ways to alleviate their anxiety.

Why Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet?

While the topic of cats eating flowers is intriguing, it’s also worth delving into another fascinating aspect of feline behavior: their ability to always land on their feet. This remarkable skill is due to a combination of their flexible spine, keen sense of balance, and a unique righting reflex.

The Righting Reflex

The righting reflex is an innate ability that allows cats to orient themselves in mid-air and land on their feet. This reflex begins to develop when a kitten is around three weeks old and is fully developed by the time they are seven weeks old. When a cat falls, it uses its highly flexible spine to twist its body, ensuring that its feet are positioned to absorb the impact.

Flexible Spine and Musculature

Cats have an exceptionally flexible spine, which allows them to rotate their bodies quickly and efficiently. This flexibility, combined with strong muscles, enables them to make rapid adjustments while falling. Their lightweight bodies and low terminal velocity also contribute to their ability to land safely.

Keen Sense of Balance

Cats possess an extraordinary sense of balance, which is aided by their inner ear. The vestibular apparatus in their inner ear helps them detect changes in orientation and maintain equilibrium. This sense of balance is crucial for their righting reflex, allowing them to make precise adjustments as they fall.


The behavior of cats eating flowers can be attributed to a variety of factors, including instinctual drives, nutritional needs, curiosity, and stress. Understanding these reasons can help cat owners provide a safer and more enriching environment for their feline companions. Additionally, the ability of cats to always land on their feet is a testament to their remarkable physical adaptations and instincts. Both behaviors highlight the complexity and intrigue of these beloved pets.

Q: Are all flowers safe for cats to eat? A: No, not all flowers are safe for cats. Some flowers, such as lilies, tulips, and daffodils, can be toxic to cats and should be kept out of reach.

Q: How can I prevent my cat from eating flowers? A: You can prevent your cat from eating flowers by providing safe alternatives, such as cat grass, and by keeping toxic plants out of reach. Additionally, ensuring that your cat has a balanced diet and plenty of mental stimulation can reduce their desire to chew on flowers.

Q: Why do cats have a righting reflex? A: The righting reflex is an evolutionary adaptation that helps cats survive falls by allowing them to land on their feet. This reflex is crucial for their survival in the wild, where they might need to navigate trees and other high places.

Q: Can a cat still get hurt if it lands on its feet? A: Yes, even though cats have a remarkable ability to land on their feet, they can still sustain injuries from falls, especially from great heights. It’s important to ensure that your home is safe and that your cat cannot access high, dangerous areas.